3 Little Plums

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Low Tox Summer Switches

Summer vacation is here which means that we have a long summer full of mostly sunny days that will hopefully be full of play, fun, a bit of travel or camps and memories in the making.

 All this free time entails a lot of planning on my (and most mom and/or dads) end, so the last thing we want to worry about are our kids being unnecessarily exposed to toxic chemicals and the very last thing we want to be doing is spending our summer researching safe fun products!

So here are some simple switches you can make to everyone's summer staples to make sure your summer is fun and healthy!

Instead of:   cheap plastic flip flops

  • Why: Plastics used will probably expose you to endocrine disrupting phthalates, polyvinyl (PVC), lead and cadmium

  • Switch to: natural rubber
    Feelgoodz (for adults) made of natural rubber

  • Planet Flops’ for men, women and kids also made of natural rubber

Instead of :   cheap plastic sand toys

  • Why? It is tempting to buy cheap plastic beach toys since, let's face it, many of these get lost and have to be replaced every year. However, these plastic beach toys can contain BPA or similar endocrine disrupting chemicals. Add to that, long hours being exposed to sun and saltwater & you have plastics that could be deteriorating & leaching some nasty chemicals into the air or, if you have little kids, into your children when they place these items in their mouths. They are also a contributor to micro plastic pollution in our oceans

Switch to: higher quality, eco friendly toys

  • You can also recycle things around the house like measuring cups to use as sand toys!

Instead of :  large plastic floats

Why: Ok, yes I know they are cute and I know they are fun to play with but almost everything that is meant to be fun and placed in the pool is made from PVC (usually listed as Vinyl- a known human carcinogen that can also expose you to lead, a known neurotoxin, and endocrine disrupting phthalates). Even when the smell is no longer evident, the sun and chlorine can accelerate the leaching of toxins.
Switch to: 

Pool noodles! Noodle style pool toys are usually made from polyethylene foam, which is PVC-free and considered safe.
I like: 

Create your own personal floating chair with the SwimWays Noodle Sling - all it needs is a pool noodle!  ITs a nylon mesh sling seat that you add a pool noodle too and create a floating seat.  Great for older kids (and adults)

Instead of: a vinyl plastic wet bag

  • Why? this essential can be found in many mom's beach bags to store wet suits and other stuff, however they are usually made of the same toxic PVC we have mentioned.

  • Switch to: Itzy Ritzy Tokidoki Travel Happens Medium Sealed Wet Bag, : if you have that wet bathing suit you need to bring home, make sure you don't go to any pool party without these non-toxic water proof bags. The interior is made of leak-proof polyurethane laminate lining (not to be confused with toxic polyuthrane foam )

  • xlarge sized Stasher bags :

Instead of: PVC inflatable floaties

  • Why? PVC is a known human carcinogen that can also expose you to lead, a known neurotoxin, and endocrine disrupting phthalates

Switch to:

Schlori swim cushions made in Germany, these are hard to come by in the US, however some European websites will send to the US. They are made of cotton canvas and are designed to allow kids to move hands so they can learn to swim properly. Plastic free

Astral Designs Otter Personal Flotation Device   :  made with Organic Kapok & PE Foam and nylon Shell Fabric.  Designed for older kids who weigh between  50-90 lbs

SunnyLIFE Swim Vest 2-3 Years: Neoprene and polyester lifejackets: while not environmentally friendly, these are better for kids than PVC