3 Little Plums

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Best Documentaries for Non-Toxic Living and Sustainability for All Ages!

How do you convince a loved one that environmental chemicals can be harmful, that plastics  pose a huge threat to our planet & health or that the daily products they love contain harmful chemicals?⁣

Sometimes explaining it to them is not enough. ⁣

Sometimes its best to subtly show them- allow them to see and learn for themselves.  Let the experts and scientists talk to them directly about the connections between toxic chemicals and chronic diseases. ⁣

This is why I 💚 documentaries ( I also helped produce 2 - not on this list- which is why I 💚 the genre!)⁣

Movie night?  Tell them you heard about an amazing film and…watch one of these docs.  I assure you they will look at non-toxic living differently by the time the movie is over.  PS  kids list below too!⁣

@toxicbeauty.doc (‘19)⁣
Overload:  America’s Toxic Love Story (‘19)⁣
@TheDevilWeKnow ( ‘18)⁣
@Stinkmovie (‘15)⁣
Unacceptable Levels (‘13)⁣
The Human Experiment (‘13)⁣
GMO OMG (‘13)⁣
The Toxic Hot Seat (‘13)⁣
Blue Vinyl (‘02)⁣

Food Inc (‘08)⁣
The Biggest Little Farm⁣
Wasted :  The Story of Food Waste⁣
Sustainable (‘16)⁣

The True Cost (‘15)⁣

@storyofplastic (‘19)⁣
Riverblue (‘17)⁣
@iceonfirefilm (‘19)⁣
Before the Flood ⁣
Tomorrow (‘15)⁣

The Salt of the Earth⁣
Terra (‘19)⁣

I also 💚 documentaries for kids. For kids I like documentaries that foster their love for nature, our planet and that expand their world view. If you can raise a child that cares for the Planet & understands that kids are kids no matter where they live  or what they look like - you have done a great job!  Here are some we have enjoyed as a family - remember some younger kids don’t sit still for an entire movie- that is ok!  Maybe they watch a bit, maybe they play while they watch or maybe try again in a couple of years!⁣

@thebiggestlittlefarm ( good for all ages) ⁣
@storyofplastic (6+) ⁣
Blue Planet (good for all ages)⁣
Jane (8+)⁣
Serenguetti ( all ages -docuseries) ⁣
Wings of Life ( 6+)⁣
March of the Penguin (5+)⁣
I am Eleven (10+)⁣
Babies (8+)⁣