3 Little Plums

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Indoor Activities For Kids (for a rainy day or coronavirus social distancing)

Parents and kids around the nation - and the world - are facing weeks of ‘social distancing’ . In other words? It is time to get creative with indoor activities to avoid boredom and make this period as stress free as possible for families.

Here are some ideas

DIY recipes: What I love about these is that you can include the kids in two activities: making the ‘recipe’ and later playing….

DIY Slime:

What kids don’t love slime? Store bought slime, however, have been found to contain unsafe levels of boron, as well as endocrine disrupting fragrance chemicals. Luckily this is a boron free slime ‘recipe’ is easy to make at home with ingredient you probably already have: corn starch, water and food coloring!

DIY Play Dough

This homemade play dough recipe has always been a favorite at home - its easy, can last if properly stored and play dough is just fun. Also fun? How easy it is to make. Once again ingredients we all have at home: salt, flour and water.

DIY Face Paint

Kids love to play with face paint- this diy recipe is more body paint than face paint - but was fun for my kids and safe which is important considering that many cheap face paints sold in store have really toxic chemicals including   lead (and high levels of it) talc (linked to cancer), chromium, barium, endocrine disrupting fragrance chemicals

DIY Finger Paint

Here is a video tutorial for easy to make - you have the ingredients- finger paint. All it takes is cornstarch, sugar, salt, food coloring (preferably natural )

Terrenium building   

Buy a kit or make your own with a glass (large mason jars or tomato sauce containers work well) container and then layer soil, small stones   or pebbles and chia seeds.   Its a great way to build your own little eco system.  You can add figurines or glow in the dark stickers that can be placed outside the jar and give it a magical touch in the evenings.

Open Ended Art 

Cover your entire dining table(or a section of the floor) with paper. A roll of packing or white paper is ideal but poster board or tons of small pieces taped together can work too. Set out some water colors or non-toxic paints (I have some I love in my Amazon Shop ) or even crayons and let kids go at it.  Something about being able to paint an entire table makes it extra fun! Want to add a different element? use q tips, cotton balls, sponges cut into shapes to paint

Balloon Fun

It always blows my mind how many hours of fun a simple balloon can provide! So much, that I used to carry unblown balloons in my purse when my kids were younger for emergencies! Balloon volleyball, catch, soccer are just some ideas.


Another item that still provides hours of fun at my house are boxes! Grab those Amazon or Thrive Market boxes and create a city, a boat, a hideout, store, theater, anima hospital and the list goes on

Fort Building

Grab some old blankets, chairs, beds etc and create various small forts or one large one.

Nature Walk

It is perfectly safe- and a great idea- to get outside to a wide open space or take a walk in a quiet (not busy) neighborhood . After all, it is spring and nature is coming to life. Play I Spy, collect rocks and branches on your walk, ride your scooter!

Nature Art

After your nature walk (or in your backyard) collect tree branches (the bigger the better) or rocks and have your kids paint and decorate them . Get creative by adding string, feathers, beads.

Card games, Board Games and puzzles

Regardless of your child’s age there is a board game or puzzle for him/her! From memory games, dominoes (animal domino is fun for younger kids this is a fun printable one ) , Uno, Sorry, Dog Bingo, Karuba, are all some of out favorites at our home.

Old School games

Never underestimate the power ( and fun!) of games you probably played as a child: hide and seek, duck duck goose, Red Light, Green Light, Simon Says…. they are oldies but goodies.

Writing (and publish!) your own Books

Ever since my sons were 3 years old we would sit and they would ‘write’ their own books. Start by ‘binding’ and creating a book (this can be as simple folding 4 pieces of paper in half and stapling along the fold to create a ‘book’ with 8 pages. For older kids you can find instructions here ) For younger kids have them tell you a story and you can write it down in different pages. Have them make a drawing about what is happening in each page and voila : your mini author!

Fashion Show

Let the kids into your closet and put on a fashion show: scarfs, hats, sunglasses, old clothes and costumes are always fun

Sensory Bin play:

Make your own sensory bins with: rice, dried beans, items from nature (rocks, sticks, leafs etc), things around the house, toys, water etc. This is always a fun activity for little ones! Always make sure they are supervised to avoid placing anything in their mouth!


Bake cookies, banana bread, ice cream or dinner with your little ones. For older kids have them watch an episode of Master Chef Jr and get inspired

Blocks, Magnatiles and more

Build a City, Build the tallest building ever, build a house for the Barbies or Play aNimals: mix and match blocks, magnatiles, legos/Duplo and spend a morning building.

Write a letter

Take the time to write and/or illustrate (depending on the age of the child) a letter to grandparents or family members that live far away. Another great idea is to write a letter to an elderly neighbor who lives alone who might be lonely with social distancing policies - drop it off in their mailbox

Give Toys a Bath

Hard toys need to be washed and this is a perfect time to bath them (you can do this in a sink or in a bathtub with castille soap or any soap you have at home. MAke sure to thoroughly dry to avoid mold growth). Most stuffed animals can be washed in the clothes washing machine

Dance Party

Turn off the lights, (or keep them on!) and have a dance party. Mix it up and play freeze dance or have a dance off at home.

….. Netflix / Disney

When all else fails (or when you need a minute) there is no shame in a little screen time LOL!