3 Little Plums

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Protecting Yourself & Family From Glyphosate

Glyphosate the world’s most used pesticide and the main ingredient in RoundUp.  We are all exposed to glyphosate  via food, residential lawns, gardens, schools and public parks, water etc. Even those of us who eat certified organic food, are exposed to glyphosate since it can cross contaminate organic crops and make its way into our food and (unfiltered) water.

Glyphosate is:

  • A probable carcinogen

  • Linked to: endocrine disruption, damage DNA and adversely affect fetal development and has shown it can affect your beneficial gut bacteria possibly leading to: diabetes, obesity, food allergies, autoimmune disease, autism, heart disease, cancer, asthma, irritable bowel disease, Celiac disease

Here are ways we can protect ourselves and our family from this very harmful pesticide.

  1. Eat Organic:  Even though organic food can have traces of glyphosate - research has shown that eating an organic diet for 1 week reduced pesticide exposure in the diet by 90%

  2. Avoid all GMO products:  Organics, by definition, do not allow GMOs.  Additionally there is a certification program called ‘Non-glyphosate certified’ that specifically checks for glyphosate in foods.   @onedegreeorganics is glyphosate checked (you can find them in my amazon store).  Food that is usually GM are grains like canola, soy and corn and their byproducts.  Also high:  cereals, granola bars, sugar, chickpeas, lentils, beer

  3. Don’t use Roundup at home on your lawn, if your neighbors use roundup avoid going outside while they are spraying 

  4. Shoes off, hands washed:  every time you get home make sure your take your shoes off (so as not to bring pesticide residue indoors) and wash your hands- especially if your kids have been playing in a garden/field/park

  5. Consume probiotics and fermented foods, since glyphosate kills gut bacteria

  6. Avoid Fields that have been recently Sprayed with pesticides:   Public fields and schools often will have a sign warning about recent spraying.  Schools should be informing parents via email 

  7. Supplement with high levels of Vitamin C:   glyphosate depletes an important enzyme called glutathione  - - - - Glutathione is one of our bodies most important antioxidant which binds to toxins and helps eliminates them - - -- study reported that supplementation with vitamin C and E increased levels of glutathione , thereby potentially reducing the damage caused by Glyphosate

  8. Invest in a high quality water filter that removes pesticides like glyphosate (my #linkinbio has two of my top picks for water filters)