3 Little Plums

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Welcome to the Blog!

Hello! Welcome to the Non-Toxic Munchkin Blog!

This blog is meant to make transitioning to and living a non-toxic healthier life fast and easy... after all, let's face it, our munchkins already take up a lot of our time! My 'munchkin' is almost 2 and it is thanks to him that I am so committed, not only to making sure he is protected from toxic chemicals so he can live a long healthy life, but also committed to sharing my research and knowledge with friends, families and other munchkin moms! The key to successfully raising a non-toxic munchkin in a non-toxic house? It can't be overwhelming and it must be EASY and FAST

Our blog will be divided into 3 sections, that will hopefully make navigating it easy and, more importantly, help YOU stay informed and get tips on how to transition and live a non toxic life!

Making the transition to a non-toxic life can be overwhelming and confusing. Let's face it, most of us are not trained to pronounce, much less know the difference between polytetrafluoroethylene, Phthalates and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (known and/or suspected carcinogens commonly found in most households in, among other places, non stick pans, air fresheners and our mattresses - eeck!). The Non-Toxic Munchkin's ABC's will serve as an easy to follow dictionary that will allow you to understand what is behind a name and how it can potentially affect you... the idea being that slowly you will become familiar with many of these terms and be able to avoid them in your life ... after all every non toxic munchkin needs an educated mom!

This section will grow with time .. and if you come across a word or chemical or concept that you are not clear about feel free to submit it to us! we can do the research for you and include it here !

Like I mentioned, making the transition and continuing to live a non toxic life can seem like a HUGE overwhelming challenge..... where do you start when it seems like everything we have contact with on a daily basis is exposing you to a potentially toxic chemical? Never fear! TheNon-Toxic Munchkin's 1,2,3's are here! The only way that you will stick to a non-toxic lifestyle (after all, this can't just be a phase! If you want to have a non-toxic home you will be facing decisions every single day for the rest of your life!) is if it can be easy and fuss free. The good news is that any little step you take will help make your home healthier... and in this section you will find lots and lots of 3 easy steps (Special Agent Oso would be proud!) to take -fuss free- to make your family healthier today and tomorrow!

Living a non-toxic life (for your munchkin and yourself! ) can be as easy as 1,2,3!

We are all busy moms and, let’s face it, some of us have the attention span of a ... well, er, munchkin, when it comes to reading long scientific articles or studies...especially when the studies and news articles almost require a PHD to understand! Never fear! I am a trained journalist and nerd at heart so I will read all these studies for you and include a couple of short bullet points with the most relevant points, along with a short explanation of how this or that affects you and your munchkins ... almost like the cliff notes for GREEN related news! Expect constant updates on the latest studies, legislation that affects you and all toxic chemical related news and information as it comes out. Fast, easy and informative for non toxic munchkin moms who want to stay informed!

As a mom I really do hope that this blog is able to help other moms raise healthier kids... if you have any ideas, suggestions or questions please contact me! Enjoy!