Posts tagged neurotoxicity
Could eating organic help with your cognitive development?
baby, food, pregnancyAida Garcia-Toledopregnancy, infant, newborn, baby, toddler, pre k +, neurotoxicity, air filter, glyphosate, neurotoxins, Pesticides
Phthalates: What they are, why they are harmful & how to avoid them
Aida Garcia-Toledoinfant, baby, pregnancy, pre k +, adult, endocrine disruption, endocrine disruptors, neurotoxin, neurotoxicity, plastic, fragrance, adhd, obesity, antimicrobials, bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, laundry room, phthalates
Are Dental Amalgams (mercury fillings) Safe in Your Mouth?
Is Aluminum Foil Safe?
The Dye That Stole Christmas
food, kitchenAida Garcia-Toledotoddler, pre k +, adhd, add, diabetes, neurotoxin, neurotoxins, neurotoxicity, kitchen, pregnancy
Is There Lead and Carcinogenic Chemicals Underneath Your Child's Playgrounds
outdoors, toysAida Garcia-Toledobaby, toddler, pre k +, pre K +, outdoors, asthma/respiratory disease, asthma, cancer, endocrine disruption, endocrine disruptors, neurotoxicity, neurotoxin, neurotoxins, arsenic, antimicrobials, lead
Why you should test your soil for lead
baby, food, home, kitchen, outdoors, pregnancyAida Garcia-Toledolead, toddler, pre k +, pregnancy, outdoors, neurotoxins, neurotoxicity, cadmium, pesticides, autism
Why You Should Avoid Chemical Weed Killers and What to Use Instead
Aida Garcia-Toledooutdoors, autism, cancer, endocrine disruption, infertility, neurotoxicity, arsenic, carcinogen, carcinogens, endocrine disruptors, glyphosate, gmo, pesticides
Anatomy of a Non-Toxic Transitional/ Sippy Cup for Baby & Kids
buying guide, baby, kitchenAida Garcia-Toledobaby, preschool, toddler, pre k +, kitchen, endocrine disruption, endocrine disruptors, neurotoxicity, buying guide