123's of Decreasing BPA Exposure


It is pretty clear that BPA is yet another toxic chemical found in everyday items that we should try to avoid (What is BPA? Why should I be concerned? Read my post on BPA: Non-toxic Munchkin's ABC's). Everyone would benefit from avoiding it, but special attention should be placed on pregnant women and young children. Every day it seems that it is harder and harder to avoid BPA since it keeps on showing up in so many every day items, but here are some easy to follow tips:

1. Limit use of plastics: choose glass, porcelain or stainless steel. Try to store food in glass containers. BPA falls under the ‘7’ in the recycling triangle code, so avoid plastics labeled with a ‘7’. If you want to be extra cautious, when possible, avoid plastics all together since even ‘BPA free’ labeled products have chemicals that are substituting BPA that have never been tested on humans before.

2. Never microwave or dishwash plastic containers

3. Avoid using plastic or aluminum water bottles (as these tend to have an epoxy resin interior lining). Purchase stainless steel or glass water bottles. I like: LIFE FACTORY (they have baby bottles too) or KLEEN KANTEEN

4. Limit your consumption of canned foods, favor buying foods that come in glass container. According to the breast cancerfund.org canned foods to avoid to reduce BPA exposure:

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  • coconut milk

  • soup

  • meat

  • vegetables

  • meals (ie ravioli in sauce)

  • juice

  • fish

  • beans

  • fruit

5. Try not to purchase foods packaged in plastic (this can prove QUITE a challenge as often stare in disbelief at my recycling container that gets filled with unnecessary plastic packaging where my bread, fruits, crackers etc come in). Some foods that are easy to opt out of plastic are: peanut butter, jellies, tomato sauce, soups, fruits.

6. Wash your hands thoroughly after touching thermal store receipts. If you don’t need the receipt, don’t ask for it! Careful where you place it, as the BPA can spread from receipt to fruits, or your children’s hands, for example, if it/they comes in contact with it.

7. While it is important to wash your hands, avoid hand sanitizers. A recent Swiss study found that people who used triclosan sanitizers then handled receipts absorbed more BPA into their skin than people who washed their hands before handling receipts.

8. Parents beware: polycarbonate bottles containing BPA are still legal to sell and even though in the US it might seem like all baby bottles say BPA free ... make sure it it labeled as so, same for your sippy cups! if glass is an option, opt for glass!