Nestle Gets Rid of All Artificial Ingredients... In the UK

More proof of the power of consumers demanding healthier and less toxic alternatives and ingredients, Nestlé recently announced that they have successfully eliminated ALL artificial (man made) ingredients from ALL of their the United Kingdom. Due to consumer demand, in the UK, Nestlé has become the first major confectionery company to take out artificial colorings, flavors and preservatives from its entire portfolio of products... but only in the UK.

The company, which manufacturers well known brands such as Kit Kat, Crunch, Smarties, has changed the recipe for all of its 79 products sold in the UK and replaced 80 man-made ingredients with natural alternatives. Concentrates of fruit and vegetables such as carrot, radish and lemon are now coloring the brightly colored candies. The company also removed all artificial products from all its beverages including Nesquik.

According to the company’s website Nestlé made the changes in response to consumer demand in the UK for fewer artificial ingredients in food. According to consumer research, three quarters of British people look for products without artificial additives when buying confectionery. The company has similar initiatives underway in Canada and a number of other European markets.... but no mention of the US.

According to a Huffington Post article, “ representative from Nestlé U.S. said that there are currently no plans to make a similar change in the States. "That call is being made for that market at this time," she said.”"

HOW ANNOYING IS THIS? Come on Nestlé: if you are eliminating artificial ingredients in your products across Europe and Canada, why not do this at a world wide level? If your products are selling just as well and tasting just as good (if not better) why continue to serve up crappy artificial ingredients to your clients in the US (and other parts of the world)? Hurray for making the change in some markets but BOOOOOO for not doing it across the board: kids all over deserve natural ingredients.

Artificial dyes have been linked to increased behavioral problems including hyperactivity in children (ADHD) as well as tumors in rats. To read more about artificial colors in food and how to avoid them, read Non-Toxic Munchkin’s The ABC’s of Food Dyes

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