New Study: Your Body Absorbs More BPA Than Previously Thought

Its been a while since I last wrote.... mostly because we now have a new munchkin at home! A two month old that has kept me quite busy.... reminding me how little time we moms have to research products and figure out what is healthy or what could be exposing our kids to nasty chemicals. Even less time to search for the latest studies and news being published. There just is no free time - especially now with 2 munchkins at home!

Slowly I hope to carve out a bit of time to continue writing, but in the meantime, I am going to limit myself to share the latest news in the non-toxic world by linking to studies and not necessarily writing a lot of original pieces.

Which brings me to the latest news regarding BPA

A new study has found that tiny blood vessels under our tongue absorb BPA, bringing this hormone mimicking chemical directly into our bloodstream instead of first to the gut (where it would have been broken down before reaching our bloodstream in a less potent form). The result? Our bodies absorb much more BPA than previously thought, and its estrogen mimicking qualities linger longer in our bodies.

BPA in food or drinks that come in canned or plastic containers, as well as stray BPA on our fingers from touching cash register receipts " can be completely absorbed directly into the bloodstream from the mouth, and remaining biologically active for an extended period of time"... and thus, doing more harm

"BPA has been linked to all types of health problems, including breast cancer, obesity, poor dental health, and behavioral problems in children, among other ills. The results of this research, also raises concerns about BPA-containing dental sealants, which could be leaching directly into the bloodstream."

It's really easy to reduce your exposure and your family's exposure to BPA at home.

The main steps to take are:
1. Choose glass or stainless steel over plastic (even if it says "BPA free" because the replacement chemicals have not been tested for safety and are suspected to be just as bad). This goes for food containers, baby bottles and toys, toddler cups, water bottles and especially anything being heated in the microwave.
2. Choose fresh food instead of canned food
3. Don't ask for the receipt. If a receipt is handed to you make sure you wash your hands thoroughly.

For more information, follow this link to read my Non-Toxic Munchkin's 123's : EASY STEPS TO REDUCE BPA EXPOSURE AT HOME