Non-Toxic Munchkin Chat at Books and Cookies, Santa Monica This Week
Calling all Santa Monica and Los Angeles moms and dads!
Doesn't this space look like a fun place to LUNCH, LEARN and PLAY with your little munchkin??
Well, we are excited to invite you to join the folks at Book and Cookies and yours truly for a chat on Non-Toxic living (and so much more! read on) this Wednesday, March 15th at Santa Monica's Books and Cookies store in Main Street, Santa Monica.
Here is all the information:
Calling all mamas and babies (non-walkers - 0-18 months) to build community in a laid-back and supportive environment while we LUNCH, LEARN and PLAY this Wednesday March 15th from 12pm-2pm!
Join us for stories, songs and movement in a safe and relaxed environment followed by a delicious and healthy lunch hosted by local restaurants / chefs and capped off with a presentation by a skilled professional offering unique and relevant information for you and your baby.
It is super easy to RSVP, just click on this link:
Hope to see you there!