BPA's 'Safe Daily Level' Might Be Enough to Lead to Type 2 Diabetes

Last week I wrote about why you should be weary of all Bisphenols - ie chemicals similar to BPA that are being used as its substitute in 'BPA free products' and which have been found to be just as harmful to our health (read more here).

Today, a new study came out showing yet another reason why BPA, even at levels considered 'safe' by the US EPA and FDA is harmful to humans.

We know that BPA mimics estrogen,  and can disrupt the brain and hormonal systems.  We know that it may be linked to insulin resistance,  obesity,   breast cancer and metabolic disorders including polycystic ovarian syndrome in women,  and low sperm count in men.  

Past animal studies have suggested a correlation between BPA exposure and insulin resistance/type II diabetes.  But now, a small US based study from the University of Missouri found that exposing adult humans to the presumed US 'safe' daily BPA dose affected the body's insulin response to glucose, ie this 'safe' dose may be enough to have implications for the development of Type 2 diabetes and other metabolic diseases.


1.  These results are important because, according to the CDC, more than 100 million Americans have diabetes or pre-diabetes.  Diabetes was the seventh leading cause of death in the U.S. in 2015.  BPA has been found in 90% of the US population.  If BPA is a potential cause of diabetes eliminating it or at least drastically reducing it  from our daily lives should be given priority.

2.   From a regulatory perspective the results are also important.  

Currently, in Europe, the “safe” level of BPA exposure for adults is4 micrograms/kg body weight/day. 

In the US it is 50 micrograms BPA per kg body weight per day.  Why the difference??

I can't answer that, but the lead researcher puts it simply:

"identifying any physiological response in humans to BPA at the presumed 'safe' daily BPA dose would indicate that key assumptions in the regulatory process are incorrect."  

In other words its time the US lower its acceptable "safe" limits for ALL Bisphenols like BPA.  Our government is failing to protect us from harmful chemicals.   Vote, write your senators to support chemical reform but , most importantly, protect your kids from harmful chemicals because no federal government agency is doing a good job of this.



  • Manufacture thermal paper receipts: A study among American pregnant women in various occupations found that cashiers had the highest BPA levels; average BPA levels of cashiers were about 25% higher than BPA levels of women who consumed one or more canned vegetable servings per day

  • plastics (Polycarbonate plastic #7)

  • Linings of canned foods and drinks (soda and beer)

  • Reusable water bottles : A study from Harvard University found that college students drinking most of their cold drinks from polycarbonate bottles for one week had 69 percent more BPA in their bodies than they did after a week of drinking cold beverages from other containers.

  • BPA free labelled plastics

  • Fast food: Women who consumed three or more servings of soda per day or hamburgers three times a week had 58 percent and 20 percent (respectively) higher urinary BPA concentrations compared with women who consumed no sodas or hamburgers.

How To I Avoid BPA (and other Bisphenols)

The good news is that it is easy to make simple changes in your life to decrease your family's exposure to these chemicals

1.  When possible choose Safer alternatives to plastic? Depending on the item you are replacing seek out: Glass, stainless steel, wood, natural rubber etc.

2.  try not to handle store thermal receipts- instead ask for your receipt to be emails  or say you don't need it

3.  eat fresh foods and avoid canned foods and drinks

4. Need some inspiration? Our Amazon SHOP (head over the the SHOP tab at the top of the page) is filled with Bisphenol-free items.