How To Help Your Body Detoxify Naturally

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Let’s talk detox- How our body detoxes.

The first step is to eliminate our exposure to toxins:  This is what I talk about everyday here on Non-Toxic Munchkin; getting that air filter, water filter, switching to non-toxic deodorant, body wash, makeup and moisturizers, avoiding plastics, eating organic ect.  

Unfortunately, however, we don’t live in a bubble and so it is inevitable that we are exposed to some toxins everyday :  the air we breath, flame retardants in our cars, the cleaning products at school/office… all of these are unavoidable, yet common, sources of daily chemicals exposure.

  Luckily, our body has ways to naturally detox:  simply put, biotransformation & elimination. When everything is working perfectly our body can handle a certain level of toxin exposure- sometimes however, our bodies need help.  I recently found out that my body’s detox mechanisms don’t work as well as they should and so I consulted @draricalhoun to help me with this (& this post!) 

Dr. Ari Calhoun is a Naturepathic Doctor located in Encinitas, CA. She explained that some of us bioaccumulate toxins NOT because of overexposure, but rather because our bodies are struggling to naturally detoxify (this can be due to many reasons like nutrient deficiency, genetics, liver/gallbladder issues, poor gut health, insufficient antioxidants etc)

The good news is that there are easy steps that can do to help our body boost its natural detoxification process (most are safe for kids too)

  1. Daily Bowel Movement: Our main form of elimination, and so important! The longer stools sit in your colon, the more toxins are reabsorbed. Signs you may need support: gas & bloating after a meal, nausea relieved by a bowel movement, clay colored stools, presence of mucous or foam, bad breath, & IBS. 

  2. Kidney Support: Ensure you are drinking at least half your body weight in ounces. (ie. 140lbs:  you should be consuming AT LEAST 70 oz of water). 

  3. Sweat (not for children- children can overheat easily): Sweating is one of the best ways to support our body to eliminate toxins. Aim to sweat at least 10 min every day or 30 min 3-4x/week. Rinse off with cool water immediately after to avoid toxins from re-entering. 

  4. Epsom Salt Baths: Epsom salts are Magnesium Sulfate- Many of us aren’t consuming enough sulphur within our diet (especially those of us with gut issues).  Epsom salts are a wonderful way to get sulphur that the liver needs to detox. 

  5. Whole Foods Diverse Diet: You need adequate vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants for detoxification. Foods like cruciferous veggies, garlic, onions, dark leafy greens, & organ meats can go a LONG way supporting Detox. 

  6.  Binders. Ensure that whatever goes into the intestines (after ingestion or after released from the liver) gets bound and effectively removed in the stool. Without binders, we not only absorb more toxins initially, but we also can reabsorb toxins that have been released in the bile and sit in the colon for too long. Binders include: Cilantro, chlorella, charcoal, clay, zeolite. Talk to a doctor before incorporating any of these