Low Tox Period Care
What is in your (conventional) pads, tampons and other period products?
Dioxins & furans – cotton period care products are often bleached with chlorine to give them the white color. Linked to cancer, endocrine disruption, and reproductive toxicity. These are byproducts of the bleaching process.
Pesticide residues – Pesticide residues have been detected in products made with traditionally grown cotton. Linked to endocrine disruption
Plastics & plasticizers (ie phthlates) – feminine hygiene products could be responsible for up to 28% of a woman's exposure to phthalates. Pads, panty liners, and tampons are made from polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) materials, which can contain plasticizers such as phthalates, to increase the products’ flexibility Linked to endocrine disruption. They mimic our hormones and are often responsible for precocious puberty, endometriosis, female genital tumors, ovulation disorders, PCOS, infertility, obesity and more
fragrance ingredients – Scented pads and tampons contain undisclosed fragrance ingredients. Linked to cancer, endocrine disruption, and allergies
BPA and BPF: super-slim period products that swell to hold enormous amounts of menstrual fluid may contain plasticizing chemicals like BPA and/or other bisphenols Additionally, BPA and BPF were widely found in tampons and panty liners.
carbon disulfide: a known reproductive toxin, found in tampons that contain rayon.
PFAS chemicals: Have been found in many period panty
antimicrobials and nano materials: some new period panties labelled as “antimicrobial” or “antibacterial”use nanomaterials which are tiny tiny particles that are easily absorbed by our bodies and can move into our bloodstream. These are not fully tested for safety
Why are these toxins in these products?
In the US, there are no standards or regulations with regard to the use of phthalates, parabens, bisphenols, and TCC in feminine hygiene products.
Why is this concerning?
Vulval skin and vaginal mucosa are highly absorbant and permeable.
Women will use these products multiple times a day, for various days a month, every month for decades
While nay sayers will argue that " researchers calculate that the maximum daily exposure doses from the products are still below a threshold for toxic effects.” what they are not taking into consideration is that most women are exposed to phthalates through many other daily sources- its not just these products. Eating out, personal care products, some plastics, fragrance containing products, processed foods, PCPs, indoor dust, and pharmaceuticals are all additional sources of phthalate exposure
Better Options
Luckily there are a plethora of better choices for women of all ages today. In fact, its so exciting to think that young girls getting their first period today might never have to deal with monthly use menstruation products being an additional source of all of these endocrine disrupting chemicals!
Here are my tips on how to id a safer non-toxic product and some products I like (not an exhaustive list)
Look for
100% organic cotton
Unbleached or bleached without the use of chlorine bleach
Brands I like
Look for
Plastic free and made with certified organic cotton
Unbleached or bleached without the use of chlorine bleach
applicator free or cardboard or biodegradable paper applicator
plastic-free packaging when available
Brands I like
Oi Tampons
Seventh Generation
Menstrual cups:
( Disclosure: I personally do not use menstruation cups. WHile they are amazing for the environment and I cannot find any indication they are harmful to use if of high quality.. I still dont love the idea of having a synthetic material inside of me.)
Look For
if silicone Choose 100% medical grade silicone or platimun grade silicone that is free from dyes
Brands I like
Diva Cup
Honey Pot Co
The Keeper (made of The Keeper is made of latex from gum rubber instead of silicone)
Kind Cup
Look for
Made with certified organic cotton
total ingredient transparency
no PFAs
Brands I Like
Aisle (Lunapads)
Phthalates, bisphenols, parabens, and triclocarban in feminine hygiene products from the United States and their implications for human exposure
Sanitary pads and diapers contain higher phthalate contents than those in common commercial plastic products
Influence of usage practices, ethnicity and climate on the skin compatibility of sanitary pads
New Tampon Testing Reveals Undisclosed Carcinogens and Reproductive Toxins