What is EMF and How to Reduce Your Exposure at Home


I am going to try to explain why 5G is a concern and why and how we should and can reduce our exposure to EMFs.  I am not an EMF expert but hopefully this will offer some clarity, and introduction into the topic and  some concrete steps you can take  at home to decrease potentially harmful exposure.

When we talk about wireless technology there are some things we need to understand first about our human body:

  1. Our body has electrical responses . Our cells are specialized to conduct electrical currents. Electricity is required for the nervous system to send signals throughout the body and to the brain, making it possible for us to move, think and feel. 

  2. Our bodies repair and detoxify at night while we sleep as well as in nature


  • Generally it refers to a fields of energy that surrounds all electronic devices… because we co habituate with so many electronics (refrigerator, lights, lamps, tvs, toys, computers, phones, dishwashing machine, wifi etc) we are always surrounded by EMFs

  • What we worry about mostly is the frequency that decides what the biological effects are of the radiation that hits us as well as the commutative effects of always being exposed to EMF radiation

  • there are different types of EMFs and sources:

  1. Electric fields: 

These are always on:  because we always have electricity available. As the WHO explains, “ Plugging a wire into an outlet creates electric fields in the air surrounding the appliance… Since the voltage can exist even when no current is flowing, the appliance does not have to be turned on for an electric field to exist in the room surrounding it”.  Basically anything with an electric cord that is plugged in creates electric fields:  EVEN WHEN IT IS TURNED OFF.  Inside our homes the main sources of electric fields are household wiring (which are mostly out of sight in our walls or floors), TVs, computers, fluorescent lights and light dimmer controls, lamp cords,  Cel phone charger, baby wipe warmers, nightlights, vacuum cleaners, diffusers  etc

2. Magnetic fields

This is a concern when electric current is flowing to power an appliance:  ie when the appliance is ON and running.

Examples:  a running:  dishwasher, breaker box, HVAC system, refrigerator, wine refrigerators,  air filters, hairdryers, irons, transformers ONLY WHEN THE MOTOR / APPLIANCE IS ON and RUNNING

3. Dirty electricity : This is basically unused electricity that is over produced by all electronic equipment. In the home offenders include: 

  •  light dimmer switches are a big offender

  • Fluorescent light bulbs and tubes.

  • Desktop computers and laptops.

  • Televisions.

  • Cordless phone systems.

  • Multi-Speed Fans.

4.  Radio frequency radiation:  

This is information being  carried via radio waves by the air - we know it as WIFI.    Our ‘Smart’ homes are filled with WIFI.  Potential sources: wireless security systems, home sound systems, Nest, Alexa, ‘Smart’ appliances  like washers,  dryers, refrigerators and tvs, wireless printers, cel phones, baby monitors, iphones apple watches, some toys and gaming consoles, smart watches, EarPods


5 G stands for the newest generation (5th generation)  mobile network.   Not to be confused with the 5.8 GHz wifi and cordless phone frequencies. 

5G fits within RF radiation. Within 5G there are a wide variety of frequency bands used- these are divided into the under 6Ghz and the over 20 Ghz (for comparison:  4G technology always stayed under 6 GHz).

There are various concerns with 5G.  As I understand it

  1. the over 20GHz frequency ranges  have not been evaluated for safety on humans- or anything living.  These frequency bands are auctioned off, in the USA, by the FCC to telecommunication companies, but no one has stopped to study what constant exposure in these new frequencies could do to the human body. 

  2. Cel phone providers are installing many many new antennas all over (especially in large cities).  These antennas are planned to be much closer together than the old 4G antennas (4G antennas were generally installed - in urban areas- every mile/mile and a half.  These - companies hope- will be installed every 2-10 houses and at similar close proximity in urban areas)… the reason is that while 5G is strong and can provide really fast upload/download speeds, it does not emit well through a long distance and so the new antennas need to be much closer to us.   These new antennas will house BOTH:   5G antennas  and the preexisting 4g antennas ( the new 5G antennas will look like square boxes the 4G usually look like cylinders.  The new 5G antennas operate in the over 20 GHz-  the 4g will sticks to the under 6GHz.  The potential problem with this:

    The close proximity of these antennas means that the EMF being radiated is now much closer to our homes.  ..According to Prof Trevor Marshall, Director of the Autoimmunity Research Foundation, it could mean that we will be exposed to upwards of at least 100 times more radiation exposure from these dual 4g/5g antennas.


In addition to the concern specific to 5G technology, all EMF sources have many reported effects on human health.  Its important to understand that our bodies can tolerate some electromagnetic interference- the worry is that in today’s modern and connected world this exposure is constant and at a much higher level - the body, basically, never has a moment to be without exposure to EMF.

 The extent to which EMF can affect an individual’s health depends on a long list of reasons including a personas epigenetics.  However important to keep in mind that:

  • children - who are still developing- could be  more sensitive and could be affected more- a precautionary approach is always advisable. 

  • As is the case with most chemical exposure too, the cumulative effects of EMF exposure are hard to pinpoint and might not be evident for many years…however  just because the effects are not seen immediately does not mean they don’t exist.






  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Difficulty Sleeping

  • Chronic Fatigue

  • Headaches and Pain

  • Brain fog, Poor Memory, Focus and Concentration

  • Weight Gain/Slow Metabolism

  • increase in ADD symptoms

  • infertility:  lower sperm count in men and egg quality in women

  • AUTISM: While autism is not caused by EMF exposure, there are some doctors that have seen benefits to autistic children by drastic reduction in EMF exposure.  According to Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD   (https://aonm.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Dr.-Klinghardt-EMF-and-the-Potentiation-of-Pathogens-and-Heavy-Metals.pdf  ) you  “can reverse many cases of autism by simply protecting the children from the exposure to Wi-Fi.”  His patients follow an extremely strict protocol that includes both nighttime and daytime changes.


Ultimately it is all about finding a balance.  Most of us cannot live in an EMF free environment (there are actually many few left on earth! and certainly none in big cities).  And I am a believer that this technology can benefit us in other ways - but as with everything:  moderation is key (unless you are sensitive to EMF in which case I do recommend taking all of the following precautions and also speaking to a building biologist that specializes in EMF)

Here are some things we can all do at home to at least reduce our exposure to EMFs in our homes.


  1. Unplug any electrical item not in use in your home.  Pay most attention to bedrooms and children’s play areas where we spend most of our time.  At night unplug anything within 6-8 feet of your bed ( remember to unplug any item that is on the other side of a wall your bed is up against).

  2. Restrict iPad and iphone/smart phone use in kids.  When they are using these devices make sure the device is on a table, away from their body.   When watching a movie download the movie first and have your children watch while the device is in airplane mode.

  3. Shut off your routers at night.  This can be achieved :

- you can use a plug in power timer 

- you can turn it off online via your router’s settings

4. opt out of smart meters installed in your home (these are installed by the electric company) and if you cannot get a smart meter guard that block RF radiation like this ONE

5. For lighting, use incandescent, or new halogen incandescent light bulbs, which run straight off 120 volts and have no Dirty Electricity. Newer LEDs are also getting brighter, more affordable and cleaner (meaning, less DE). 

6. Avoid using dimmers inside the house. If you do have them make sure the light is off and not ‘dimmed’ off


  1. Never sleep next to a charging mobile phone.   In fact anything that is plugged in should be 6-8 feet away from your bed. (charge your phone in the bathroom or in your closet). This includes: chargers, lamps, alarm clocks, no electric blankets, no heating pads, humidifiers, etc

  2. Do not work, play or sleep next to a running electrical appliance.  If you have an air filter: keep it 6-8 feet away from your bed.   Make sure there is no HVAC or other  electrical appliance on the other side of a wall you sleep against. This also includes not being in the same room (or on the other side of a wall ) of a Circuit Breaker Box

  3. Rf and electric field shielding paints can protect a room from EMF coming from outside.  It is like a base paint which you then paint over.    Both ECOS paints  and Y Shield are reputable

  4. SWISS SHIELD :  bed canopies have been shown to reduce exposure to EMFs:  however they must properly be grounded to the earth (follow directions - I have not used these)

  5. For electrosensitive individuals it might be helpful to shut off the bedroom’s  circuit breakers and not just the light switches.

  6. for babies avoid ‘smart’ baby monitors (cameras) and ‘smart’ cribs


  1. Avoid wireless mouses and wireless keyboards.  

  2. For laptops make sure the power cord is grounded (has a 3-pronged plug). The newest MacBooks don’t have this grounded power cable - you can buy one like this


  1. Don’t use earpods nor any other bluetooth earphones, nor hold a phone up to your ear.  Instead use corded earphones or use the speaker function

  2. Never carry your phone on your body (unless it is in airplane mode)

  3. Turn off bluetooth when it is not in use

  4. Turn off data if possible


  1. HEavy metal detox:  Most of us have some level of toxic metals in our bodies.  This includes lead, Cadmium from car exhaust. mercury from fish, air pollutants etc.  And it's the metals that are mostly resonant with the Wi-Fi.  Some specialist have found that people with higher levels of heavy metals tend to be more sensitive to EMF and believe that “If your cells contain metal, they will attract and enhance electrical frequencies”.  there are heavy metal protocols we can follow (like chlorella) however it is best to see a functional doctor because some binders will release the heavy metals from your cells but if you do not excrete them properly - the heavy metals can do more harm now that they are on the loose in your body.

OTHER SOURCES: https://www.lessemf.com/bedding.html#343