Are you eating Parabens?
baby, bathroom, buying guide, food, home, kitchen, pregnancyAida Garcia-Toledokitchen, food, canned food, endocrine disruptors, parabens, endocrine disruption, processed food
Low Tox Period Care
New Study: BPA in baby, kids and adult socks
baby, buying guideAida Garcia-Toledoinfant, baby, clothing, socks, pre k +, BPA, bpa, bps, endocrine disruptors, endocrine disruption
Aida's Disposable Diaper Guide
buying guide, baby, skin productsAida Garcia-Toledonewborn, baby, toddler, diaper, diaper rash, excema, endocrine disruptors, endocrine disruption
Non-Toxic Laundry Detergents for the Whole Family
buying guide, baby, home, laundryAida Garcia-Toledolaundry, infant, pregnancy, baby, pre k +, cleaning, cleaning guide, carcinogen, fragrance
Low Tox Summer Switches
Greenwashing: What is it and how to identify it
baby, bathroom, bedroom, buying guide, cleaning, laundry, kitchen, home, food, skin productsAida Garcia-Toledobuying guide, bedroom, food, kitchen, BPA, bisphenols, certipur, gots
Choosing a 'non-toxic' Cutting Board
Aida's 2021 Sunscreen Guide for Babies, Kids and Adults
buying guide, outdoors, skin productsAida Garcia-Toledosunscreen, bathroom, outdoors, pre k +, pregnancy, toddler, endocrine disruption, endocrine disruptors