Non-toxic Living for the Modern Family — 3 Little Plums
Posts tagged flame retardants
Better for Kids (low tox) Nap Mats
Low -Tox Summer Essentials
Aida Garcia-Toledosleeping bag, travel bed, earphones, luggage, travel essentials, sunblock, bathingsuit, travel crib, flame retardants, PFAS
Creating a Low- Tox Sleep Sanctuary
Designing a Low-Tox Kids Room
baby, bedroom, buying guide, homeAida Garcia-Toledobedroom, nursery, flame retardant, flame retardants, PFAS, rug, vocs, mattress, toddler, pre k +
2023 Non-Toxic Car Seat Buying Guide
Low Tox Stroller Review
Non-Toxic Pillow Review
buying guide, bedroom, homeAida Garcia-Toledobedroom, nursery, pre k +, toddler, pillow, flame retardants, asthma, pregnancy
Finding a Low Tox, Environmentally Friendly AND Child (and pet!) Friendly rugs
baby, bedroom, buying guide, home, living roomAida Garcia-Toledonursery, baby, infant, bedroom, playroom, living room, kitchen, formaldehyde, lead, endocrine disruption, flame retardants, PFAS, phthalates, rug
When You Can’t Afford to Buy an Organic Mattress
buying guide, bedroom, babyAida Garcia-Toledobedroom, asthma, mattress, nursery, infant, pre k +, flame retardants, endocrine disruption, endocrine disruptors